Thursday, July 19, 2007

Another day

Another day is going to pass ;) Blink its thu already. Just finished doing laundry, sweeping & mopping. Later bath for toby be4 heading back to my mum's place. These 2 days hv been raining. Really surprising but nice one.

Last nite didn't sleep well. Had been tossing ard. Ard 3am came out watch tv till 4plus be4 heading to bed again. This morning didn't manage to get up prepare breakfast for dear dear. Felt so bad ;( Guess yesterday noon slept too much hee, hence at nite can't sleep.

Hee suddenly feel that the hse is so clean :) feel so accomplished to be able to maintain the hse so that when dear dear comes back, he'll be relaxed and enjoyed. But again like nothing much left to do, aiyo yo. So fast weekend is coming and dear dear will be in bintan. Gonna sleep alone for 2 nites ;( Hmm got to cherish tomorrow evening, hopefully he doesn't need to do OT. But suspect is a yes since he is the organising committee, maybe hv last min follow up.

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